Explanation of BOXLINExxxxx Constants


Code Based - General


Explanation of BOXLINExxxxx Constants


The BOXLINExxxxx constants used for the NewLines parameter of SetTab were unfortunately left out of the printed documentation but are listed at the top of RPBASE.PAS. But here they are explained in a little more detail:

BOXLINEALL - Lines are drawn on all sides BOXLINEBOTTOM - Bottom only BOXLINEHORIZ - Bottom and Top BOXLINELEFT - Left only BOXLINENONE - No lines BOXLINERIGHT - Right only BOXLINETOP - Top only BOXLINEVERT - Left and Right

You can also combine values using the OR operator as the example below demonstrates.


{ Draw lines on the right, left and bottom sides }
  SetTab(NA,pjRight,2.0,2,BOXLINEBOTTOM or BOXLINEVERT,0);